The Partnership conducts its activities in accordance with the national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of water resources management, standards and regulatory legal acts.
In 2022, the Partnership has developed and implemented a documented procedure "Water Resources Management" .
The procedure establishes uniform requirements for water resources management, defines the principles of water resources management and regulates the activities of the Partnership, which is related to the withdrawal and consumption of water resources, movement, change of their quality, aimed at minimizing the negative impact on the environment and ensuring environmental sustainability.
The main objectives of the Procedure are:
- definition of the key principles of water resources management intended for mandatory use in the Partnership;
- ensuring continuous improvement of water resources management;
- ensuring a unified process of water resources management in contrast to the established practice of uncoordinated management of water use by different departments for various needs of the company (drinking, production, household and other needs).
- ensuring the involvement of stakeholders in the process of water resources management in the Partnership.
The Management Board of the Partnership has signed a personal Statement of Commitment to rational water resources management - 8 "water principles".
Water consumption and sanitation
In 2021, the total volume of water consumption of Ural Oil and Gas LLP amounted to 4,556 thousand m 3. Water intake was carried out from underground sources - water wells №2742, 2905, 20276, 20277, 28161, 11316, 11317, 11318, 11319 based on the received Permit for special water use No. KZ62VTE00048934 dated 25.02.2021.
The specified volume of water was used during the work on the re-entry and testing of 5 wells at the Rozhkovskoye field for production (preparation of drilling fluids) and household needs of the personnel of the Partnership and the contracting company that performed these works. Water consumption was carried out within the limit set by the permit.
The water used for the preparation of drilling fluids was removed from the territory of the work by the contractor company as waste drilling fluid, which is classified as one of the types of hazardous waste.
Accounting for the volume of domestic wastewater disposal and the generated wastewater removal was carried out by the contracting company on the basis of contractual obligations.
Due to the lack of production work, the Company did not carry out the extraction from underground sources this year.